Not all accountants are created equally. You need to find one that can deal with your particular situation. They should be willing to answer all your questions,and take the time to make sure you understand what they are doing for you. Shop around, ask for referrals from friends or associates, and change accountants if you are not comfortable with the one you have.
Enrolled Agents are tax professional who have passed a rigorous test and background check administered by the Internal Revenue Service. EAs can handle all taxes from the most basic up to the more complex. They are able to represent you in front of the IRS, if necessary.
Certified Public Accountants have passed a rigorous exam and are licensed by the state. CPAs may specialize in accounting or tax issues, and may also be able to represent you in dealing with an audit or collection.
Tax attorneys specialize in tax law. They handle difficult legal matters, and can take your case before the US Tax Court.
Any of these professionals may be able to help you with a simple tax preparation. But if you have a more complicated issue, if you are already behind, or about to be audited, or if you want to avoid future problems by tax planning, then find an experienced, competent tax accountant who specializes in the area you need help with.
One thought on “Tips for Finding a Tax Accountant”
Thanks for pointing out that CPAs would specialize in accounting or tax issues and can even help with your audit or collection issues. I guess those kinds of tax accountants would be the best choice for businesses to ensure that they can detect problems and prevent them from happening. In my opinion, that area of handling a business can probably too complex for someone who is not trained which is why it is best to hire an expert instead.